Patients have the right to:
Be registered with a General Practitioner. - Change doctor if desired.
- Be offered a health check on joining the practice
- Receive emergency care at any time from the practice
- Receive appropriate drugs and medicines
- Be referred for specialist or second opinion if they and the GP agree
- Have the right to view their medical record, subject to the relevant Acts and to know that those working for the NHS are under legal obligation to keep the contents confidential.
Within these rights come responsibilities and for the patient this means:
- Be thoughtful of other patients and staff
- Be considerate and respectful and show reasonable courtesy to those who are helping you.
- Cancel appointments in good time if unable to attend.
- Share your concerns and provide suggestions that will help provide quality care.
Should a patient become physically violent or abusive to doctors, staff or other persons on the practice premises, it may be necessary for the practice to remove this patient from its list. Each individual case will be discussed at a practice meeting and a decision made. Following the decision the practice manager will write to the patient and explain the reasons for removal and give the patient information on how to begin the process of registering with another GP.